All Pyrotech systems include free lifetime phone support. Talk to Pyrotech for help with any part of your Ultra High Speed Deluge System.
Pyrotech can assist with other types of deluge systems including squib operated (Primac) and older style detection.
Pyrotech is a distributor for High Speed Detection devices. Contact Pyrotech to learn more about a detector that will work best for you.
Our repair department supports warranty items and can evaluate older systems, including components from other types of deluge systems.
Older style and obsolete systems (squib actuated (Primac) and High Speed Modules) throughout the industry have been upgraded with Pyrotech components. If you have an obsolete or non-functioning system, Pyrotech may be able to help.
Pyrotech will help you write a custom specification for your application that will provide a safe and practical system.
Pyrotech performs inspection and system response time testing for your deluge system. We can provide digital timing or high speed color video to suit any application.
On site training with Pyrotech personnel is available.
Contact Pyrotech to set up a training session to fit your needs.
Pyrotech provides Digital System Response Timers. We have standard and custom timers available.
Pyrotech works with the US government and private industry to evaluate and test new types of deluge and detection.
Copyright © 2024 Pyrotech Ultra High Speed Deluge - All Rights Reserved.
Contact Pyrotech at 330-273-9909